PCK International

The PCK Silat Blog was designed to offer up to date news, pictures, video and articles from PCK international. PCK Silat is one of the most deadly, combative, progressive and well rounded Silat systems in the world. We offer all aspects of Silat in our training: Combative, Meditative and Cultural. From PCK Silat you will get everything you have ever looked for in a Martial Art in one place. An art that is as beautiful as it is deadly, one that is progressive and is aware of the threats in our ever changing world. An art that teaches you how to hurt but also how to heal using the ancient methods of Indonesian Internal Energy and Massage. Silat is no sport. If you are looking for an art that provides real world results, under any circumstances, then look no further. PCK Silat offers an ancient warrior art from the jungles of Indonesia that can offer you the skills needed to survive today's modern urban jungle.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


For our first post I wanted to take the opportunity to honor our founder and Grand Master Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs. He is a beacon in the Silat world and sets an example for all of us to follow inside and outside of the training hall. He has inspired and molded many Silat Warriors and has built bridges in every possible direction in the Martial Arts world. His skill, knowledge and dedication has helped him bring PCK Silat to all of our students across the world. Below is a testimonial I wrote about 6 years ago that still sums it up pretty well:

"I have had the privilege of knowing and training under Guru Besar Jerry for 17 years now. It has been an absolute honor to be a student and brother to such a knowledgeable and respectable man. His skill, to all who have witnessed him in action is truly astonishing. One other thing that has always impressed me the most about him is his generosity. He goes so far beyond what is necessary to make sure that beginner and teachers alike, understand what is being taught, without any hesitation. I have been lucky enough to become good friends with Guru Besar Jerry outside of training. His generosity inside the training hall , is paled in comparison to that with which he shows outside. I have seen him help so many people and have personally gained more knowledge and received more blessings in my life due to this man's teaching and friendship, it would take two lifetimes to repay that which I owe to him. Training with him has been the single most rewarding thing in my entire life and everything that I do has been enriched and my life more fulfilling due to learning what he teaches and being his friend. 

 The other side of Guru Besar Jerry, is the side with which I pray I never have the misfortune to encounter. The ferocity that is unleashed when he puts his skill into action is enough to make the toughest fighter cower. His wealth of knowledge of Pencak Silat as well as all of the other styles that he studied before coming to Silat, has made him into a warrior of the highest caliber. I have seen him do some things throughout the years, that he makes look effortless I might add, that make me feel like I have never trained a day in my life, yet he is one of the most humble and approachable people that I have ever known, and his passion to continue to learn is relentless. 

 His knowledge of Internal Energy and the Meditative and Spiritual aspects of this art has always been fascinating to me. I have also been witness to situations where Guru Besar Jerry has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that his skill in these areas is unquestionably masterful. Anyone who has seen or been effected by his healing or internal energy work can verify that he is truly gifted. The depth of understanding of the philosophy and internal aspects of such a complex art combined with all of the extra research and extra training in related areas is testament to his dedication and unwavering willingness to better himself, and the amazing thing is that this is for the sole purpose of being able to teach and help others! In today's society masters such as this are very rare. 

 In the many years that I have known and trained with Guru Besar Jerry I have seen his school go from a small group of devoted followers to an international organization with schools in many states and even countries. This art is no doubt fascinating and deadly , and all respects to its founders and great masters are always and will always be given , however it is without hesitation that I say that Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs skill, devotion to this art, and passion to give this knowledge to all who come to learn, is an honor to those founding fathers and no one is more qualified in character or skill to lead this organization. It is an honor to be associated with such an honorable and knowledgeable teacher."

 - Guru Derek 

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